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... "Perfect love casts out fear,” ...

... "Perfect love casts out fear,” ...

Posted by Linda Presley on 17th Feb 2024

1 John 4:18

Many years had passed since Christ Jesus had experienced crucifixion upon the cross and ascended into heaven. The apostles and servants of the Lord had spread the Good News: “Heaven is available for Jew and Gentile.” Churches were planted and filled with Christ's love people. After all that had taken place, people began to move away from the LORD’s Truths. People were losing touch with those who had known Jesus in flesh as well as those that had founded the early church (Acts). Death and false teachings wooed believers away from the fundamentals they had been taught. However, the witness and His Word remained. So, what was happening?

New religious doctrines were attracting people, who the Bible refers to as people with itchy ears (2 Timothy 4:3a). The Apostle John was writing to second and third generation Christians who had lost theirlove for Truth and one another (1 Jn 5:20). Their love had become lukewarm (Rev. 2:4). First, second and third John were written to herald the Truth about Christ and His love for His church, calling them back to their first love, Jesus. With Jesus fear no longer reigns over His own.

Christ’s perfect love and assurance is confirmed. His Word calls people away from fear. Where there is no fear, love can abound for it casts out fear. The perfect love of Jesus gives boldness, assurance and confirms the divine love Christ gives. In turn, love serves others and points others to Jesus ( 1 Jn 3:14; 3:19).

What is keeping you from loving Christ? Does fear hinder a close walk with Him? Do not allow fear to dictate your life. Walk in His assurance, be confirmed by His love and sacrifice. Remind yourself that He is the perfect source of love that casts out fear.His love gives boldness. His love guides people through their lives. His love adds action into one’s life.

(a) 2 Timothy 4:3 KJ21 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts.

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