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​How Do We Know Who God Is?

​How Do We Know Who God Is?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 23rd Jul 2022

How Do We Know Who God Is? God is love. And if you know love, you know God and if you don’t know love, you don’t know God. How do we know that? First of all, His Word tells us that. And seco … read more
The Only Time Respect Is of No Value

The Only Time Respect Is of No Value

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 22nd Jul 2022

The Only Time Respect Is of No Value The only time respect has no value is when I demand it. When my children were little, I was hard on them. I demanded they respect me. But it didn’t take … read more
You Are Not Enough and It’s OK

You Are Not Enough and It’s OK

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 22nd Jul 2022

You Are Not Enough and It’s OK I think the only people who really believe they are enough are the people who haven’t lived long enough to figure out that they really aren’t. I am over … read more
What Is Self-Love?

What Is Self-Love?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 22nd Jul 2022

What is Self-Love?First of all, you usually don’t know who someone loves, based on what they do. It’s why they do it that reveals who they love.They could be nice to you, but not really for you, for t … read more
If their Response is Absolute Outrage, Pride and Dismissal

If their Response is Absolute Outrage, Pride and Dismissal

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 22nd Jul 2022

If their Response is Absolute Outrage, Pride and Dismissal Not only do you know they are not standing on the truth. You know that they know they are not standing on the truth. Because no mat … read more