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Why Love Is Always Your Best Defense

Why Love Is Always Your Best Defense

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 22nd Jul 2022

Why Love Is Always Your Best Defense Because if I love you, I am more concerned about what your selfishness is doing to you than I am concerned about what it is doing to me. In other words, … read more
What Sets You Free From Suffering

What Sets You Free From Suffering

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 22nd Jul 2022

What Sets You Free From Suffering WATCH VIDEO It’s the truth! The truth is what sets you free. Sometimes it’s the truth that what someone did or said to hurt you says nothing about you. … read more

The One Thing That You Must Understand About Love

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 21st Jul 2022

The One Thing You Must Understand About Love WATCH VIDEO It’s not a yes. We think: If you love me, you will; but sometimes love is no. So, love is yes and love is no; and I would suggest th … read more
The Harshest Thing You Can Ever Do To Anyone

The Harshest Thing You Can Ever Do To Anyone

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 21st Jul 2022

The Harshest Thing You Can Ever Do to Anyone WATCH VIDEO For some of you, if I said this, you would not want to listen. But if you listen, this can change your life forever. It’s so counterintu … read more
What Did Jesus Mean "The First Will Be Last"?

What Did Jesus Mean "The First Will Be Last"?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 21st Jul 2022

What Did Jesus Mean, “The First Will Be Last”? First of all, He is talking to John and to James. And they had just asked Him, “What must we do to be first?” They wanted to be over everyone e … read more