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Shields of Strength Lawsuit Against Department of Defense

Posted by David Dodd on 18th Dec 2021

Fish & Richardson and First Liberty filed a trademark licensing lawsuit against the U.S. government Tuesday in Texas Eastern District Court on behalf of Shields of Strength, a 'faith-based' seller of … read more

How To Fill Your Cup

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 7th May 2021

There’s only one way to get your cup filled. And it’s the opposite of what the world and social media tell you all day long, every day.The only way to get your cup filled up is to pour out what you al … read more

How To Be Humble, But Not A Pushover

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 7th May 2021

This is a good question, but it’s based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what humility is. Humility is not a pushover at all. It’s the furthest thing from it.Tolerance is a pushover. Tolerance is … read more
What is a physical sign that someone is manipulating you?

What is a physical sign that someone is manipulating you?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 2nd Nov 2020

Listen, if someone is manipulating you, they are not going to be authentic. They are not going to be transparent.If someone is authentic and transparent, they are going to have a range of emotions. If … read more