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​Depression – My Turning Point

​Depression – My Turning Point

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 15th Aug 2020

Take a stand. Do not let go!“Depression – My Turning Point” is the follow-up to my first Instagram video and email to you on depression. Go back and watch the video or read my first email to you on de … read more
​How Do You Become What You Hate?

​How Do You Become What You Hate?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 15th Aug 2020

This question is important. I am seeing this happen everywhere – people becoming what they hate.How do you become what you hate?No one thinks they’re going to become what they hate, and they very seld … read more
​How Do You Put Something in God’s Hands?

​How Do You Put Something in God’s Hands?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 15th Aug 2020

The way I used to think I was putting something in God’s hands, was by coming to a point that I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t know what to do anymore. I would give up and say, Lord I am just goin … read more
​How Do You Love Someone Who Abuses You?

​How Do You Love Someone Who Abuses You?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 15th Aug 2020

My first thought is to give them a fist in the face – that’s the old Kenny reacting; but Jesus says turn the other cheek.So how do you sort that out?I’ve struggled with this for a long time, but love … read more