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​How Do You Change People?

​How Do You Change People?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Jul 2020

How Do You Change People?We can’t really change anyone, but Jesus can, and sometimes he lets us be a part of that change.There’s only one way to change people: that’s from the inside out.You’ve got t … read more
​Should You Do What Feels Right?

​Should You Do What Feels Right?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Jul 2020

Should You Do What Feels Right?This truth will change your life: should you do what you feel is right?God didn’t give you feelings so you would follow them. My feelings could care less what is right. … read more
Why Does God Allow Evil?

Why Does God Allow Evil?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Jul 2020

Why Does God Allow Evil?This is a difficult question for most people. And I would guess it is a big reason many people choose not to believe. The simplest way to look at this question is to examine Go … read more
​One Way to Know Someone Is Not Loving You, But Using You

​One Way to Know Someone Is Not Loving You, But Using You

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Jul 2020

One Way to Know Someone Is Not Loving You, But Using YouThis is one way to know that someone is using you -- not loving you.This isn’t the only way to know but it is a major red flag.If someone i … read more
What Will Destroy God's Plans For Our Lives?

What Will Destroy God's Plans For Our Lives?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 21st Jul 2020

One thing that will destroy God’s plan for your life is an unwillingness to repent.You know if we go the wrong way, we have to be willing to admit it and to say,”I don’t want to go the wrong way, I wa … read more