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​One Way to Know Someone Is Not Loving You, But Using You

​One Way to Know Someone Is Not Loving You, But Using You

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 21st Jul 2020

This is one way to know that someone is using you -- not loving you.This isn’t the only way to know but it is a major red flag.If someone is unwilling to criticize you or challenge you; to rebuke you … read more
​How Can I Know if I’m Going in the Wrong Direction?

​How Can I Know if I’m Going in the Wrong Direction?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Jul 2020

One way to know you are going in the wrong direction is if everyone else is going the same direction.You know, the world is led by fear. We say: the world this, the world that. What is the world?The w … read more
​Can the Person Who Hurt Us Fix Us?

​Can the Person Who Hurt Us Fix Us?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 19th Jul 2020

If someone tells you they can heal your wounds, they are manipulating you. People can stop hurting us but they can’t fix the hurt they caused.Them loving you makes it easier for you to love -- but whe … read more
Do Black Lives Matter?

Do Black Lives Matter?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 3rd Jul 2020

This was way too important to me to throw up a black screen for a day.The truth is that each life matters to God, because he created each life -- but no one life matters more than another.We are all s … read more
​What about George Floyd?

​What about George Floyd?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 3rd Jul 2020

I am sure I am jumping into a blender on this, but no one is talking about the truth. No one is talking about the real problem.It’s easy for all of us to see clearly—any sensible person knows that hi … read more