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​If We Sin, is Salvation Possible?

​If We Sin, is Salvation Possible?

Posted by Gabe Vaughan on 17th May 2020

If We Sin, is Salvation Possible?Answer: YesIn your dying moments, if you believe that your sin can cost you your salvation, I would ask you two question; "Does anyone love Jesus perfectly? Does any … read more
There Is No Shame In Being Afraid

There Is No Shame In Being Afraid

Posted by David Dodd on 17th May 2020

Why did God command Joshua, to be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged."Answer: Because he was afraid and discouraged. God sent Moses into Egypt to end 400 years of slav … read more
Love and Truth Make the Difference — Especially Now

Love and Truth Make the Difference — Especially Now

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 17th May 2020

Excerpts from “The Right Fight: How to Live a Loving Life” by John Kennedy Vaughan“Being truthful means more than just telling the truth as we see it. It means having the courage to look for the real … read more
Love Is Kind – But Not Indulgent - Especially in a Pandemic

Love Is Kind – But Not Indulgent - Especially in a Pandemic

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 17th May 2020

Excerpts from “The Right Fight: How to Live a Loving Life” by John Kennedy Vaughan“I have rarely met anyone who isn’t kind to those who are kind to them.“Only those whose lives are totally ruled by f … read more
What is the Opposite of Fear?  Answer = Love

What is the Opposite of Fear? Answer = Love

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 17th May 2020

"Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive." Colossians 3:13 Fear is one of the most destru … read more