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How to change what you do

How to change what you do

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 10th Oct 2019

ANALYTICSEDIT VIDEO If something you’re doing is wrecking your life, it’s rooted in a false belief. The truth can be hard, but it saves lives.... it doesn’t wreck them. It may not be easy to change … read more
What Is Unconditional Acceptance?

What Is Unconditional Acceptance?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 10th Oct 2019

This one may really get me in hot water. Unconditional acceptance is what the doctors call codependency. It’s a fantasy word for loving to be loved. It’s not love at all though... it’s manipulation. W … read more
How to heal

How to heal

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Sep 2019

Some say some wounds never heal. I think the only wounds that never heal are the ones we refuse to stop nursing. All wounds need nursing at first, but at some point we must let them heal. We don’t hea … read more
why self hate and self love are equally selfish

why self hate and self love are equally selfish

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Sep 2019

Both self hate and self love require a focus on “SELF.” The idea that self love is the answer to self hate is a lie. It’s a trap! A trap that leads to self destruction. The problem is....SELF....which … read more
one way to know if love or fear rules your life

one way to know if love or fear rules your life

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Sep 2019

The world tells us to love ourself or hate ourself. Both are equally selfish. Both require a self focus. Love requires we die to ourself. Living a loving life is the best possible thing we can do for … read more