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How to help someone you hurt

How to help someone you hurt

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Aug 2019

Just for clarity -God is love! There is no love without Him. Whether we are the offender or the offended, this is why we all must first run to Jesus. Then as we connect to Him, we become grafted into … read more
Does God hate sinners?

Does God hate sinners?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 23rd Aug 2019

“Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, ad … read more
One thing love can’t live without

One thing love can’t live without

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 23rd Aug 2019

Gratefulness is a choice. If we are not grateful for little, we won’t be grateful for much either. My wife @tammieavaughan is one of the most grateful people I have ever met. When we were dating, noth … read more
What to do whenever someone is rude to you

What to do whenever someone is rude to you

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 23rd Aug 2019

The trap is selfishness, the bait is offense, and the only way out is love. Love seeks the truth and sees life inside out. Fear sees life outside in. All fear cares about is what you do and how it mak … read more
how to lead your children to suffering

how to lead your children to suffering

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 23rd Aug 2019

In the name of love our children are being led to their own suffering. It’s not love to demand respect. Love doesn’t expect anything from anyone but itself. Love puts itself last not first, and it doe … read more