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7 Signs someone may love you #2

7 Signs someone may love you #2

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

The second sign someone may love you is that they will be kind. Love is kind, but kind is not always nice. Kindness never wants to hurt you, but more than kindness doesn’t want to hurt you, it wants w … read more
What is your purpose?

What is your purpose?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

Though we are created to be loved and to love, we only control whether or not we love. God loves us, but we don’t control if others love us. If others love us, then it’s easier for us to love. If othe … read more
7 Signs someone may love you #6

7 Signs someone may love you #6

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

It’s not loving to knowingly allow people with no intention of changing to keep running over you. That’s selfishness. Love does trust and seeks truth, and if people are truly repentant after failing, … read more

Why do people bully?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

Bullying as we all know is an attempt to manipulate other people. It’s an effort by people to get what the bully wants without regard for other people. A bully is someone who either willingly rejects … read more
Does it matter what we believe?

Does it matter what we believe?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

What matters most is what we believe. Love requires we seek and believe the truth. Fear wants us to believe what we feel. Whatever we believe will guide our lives. Our beliefs are the rudder on our sh … read more