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How to fight for love

How to fight for love

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 19th Aug 2019

Fighting for love is the fight to be kind, patient, truthful (honest even when it hurts), protective of others, trust, hope, and persevere for the sake of others. If we love someone who is not loving … read more
How to walk away

How to walk away

19th Aug 2019

If we really love someone, the last thing we want to do is walk away. We want them to change for their own sake and we want to help them change. In the end though, we can’t make anyone change. If af … read more
Why does love always cost us something?

Why does love always cost us something?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 19th Aug 2019

I really don’t think love even exist until a sacrifice is required. Loving people who love us is an even exchange. Loving when we are that’s real love. This does not mean it’s okay to hurt … read more
What does it mean to really trust God?

What does it mean to really trust God?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 19th Aug 2019

Trusting God is looking at your circumstances, looking at your fears, looking at God’s Word and deciding to trust what God says more than anything else. In the end, after looking at all options, we al … read more