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Discipline = Success

Discipline = Success

Posted by David Dodd, Colonel US Army, Retired, COO Shields of Strength on 19th Feb 2018

Discipline“God may allow His servant to succeed when He has disciplined him to a point where he does not need to succeed to be happy. The man who is elated by success and is cast down by failure is st … read more

How To Know If You Died You Would Go To Heaven

Posted by Kenny Vaughan, Founder/CEO Shields of Strength on 19th Feb 2018

Salvation VideoSalvation is the greatest miracle of all. The greatest evidence of salvation is a changed heart and a change of desire. Before salvation, sin is desirable. After salvation, though we ma … read more


Posted by Grace Dodd on 16th Feb 2018

Pain Pain is something we cannot escape. Something I’m learning is this, my circumstances, my problems, and my difficulties are not the actual enemy I’m fighting. There is another enemy we confron … read more
The Power of Gentleness

The Power of Gentleness

Posted by Gabe Vaughan on 16th Feb 2018

GentlenessThe older I get the more I realize the power of gentleness. Most of my life I saw gentleness as weakness. Many men do! When your a young boy getting pushed around gentleness seems to exacerb … read more


Posted by Gabe Vaughan on 16th Feb 2018

Resolutions FailureWhy do we continue to make resolutions every year even though so few of us follow through? I believe everyone of us are guilty of breaking one or two. So why do we so often fail to … read more