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A Psalm a Day Keeps ...

A Psalm a Day Keeps ...

Posted by Linda Presley on 5th Mar 2024

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a dated, informal, English language proverb.It was meant to encourage people to eat nutritious food.The implication: Eating well is good for the body.The sentiment behind the phrase conveys several meanings in general. However, today most people are aware that it takes much more than one apple daily to reduce or eliminate doctor visits. There is much more to people than their bodies. Humans are complex, uniquely created, with needs, wants and desires that can often be difficult to understand. God created much more than the human body.

The LORD created body, mind, and soul. He created everything (Genesis 1). Each part of what He created needs daily care.The inspired Bible is a treasure more valuable than gold, silver, or diamonds.It is a treasure trove of wisdom, especially the Book of Psalms. It supplies an amazing summary of Old and New Testaments. It is packed with wisdom about how to follow the LORD. It is a path that leads to Christ and His promise of eternal life (Eph. 1:7). Followers of God prayed He would protect, guide and remain with them. They waited for the Savior to come.

The Book of Psalms is the needed soul food that nourishes each follower.Divinely inspired authors, of which there are many, wrote in poetic form.The reader discovers truths about the Bible and daily living (1 Timothy). The LORD purposed these writings in the extended days of Israel’s worship teaching in the wilderness. These psalms and hymns were nestled together over time and translated into one amazing book for all to read (est. 1410 to 500 BC). Divinely inspired, these words of wisdom are expressed through the different writers’ personalities.

For example, Moses a leader, David, poet, musician, and leader wrote about life experiences and the challenges faced by living on earth. There are also Psalms about nature (Psalm 104) and prophetic redemptive activity. Jesus Himself before ascending to His Father said, “When I was with you before, I told you that everything written about me ... in the Psalms must all come true” (Luke 24:44).

The Book of Psalms was translated from the original Hebrew, one long manuscript, and organized into five books:

Book I – Psalms 1-41 (Genesis; Divine life)

Book II – Psalms 42-72 (Exodus; Grace)

Book III – Psalms 73-89 (Leviticus, Sanctification; Communion)

Book IV – Psalms 90-106 (Numbers; Testing)

Book V – Psalms 107-150

Interestingly at the end of some sections are similar expressions of praise ...” Amen and Amen” or “Praise the LORD".There is much divine beauty noted in the Psalms.There is always something to thank and give thanks to the LORD.The Psalms teach the redeemed how they are to live out their lives before Him. What He wants and commands are plainly written.Christ’s salvation grace opened the way for the indwelling Holy Spirit for all whom follow Him. He opens the heart, mind and soul to the Scriptures.And in reading and meditating upon the Psalms (all of Scripture), the redeemed know exactly how to live it out in everyday life of that redemptive favor. Through the Psalms His own learn how to work, the importance of work and family.They learn about integrity, what Christ’s purpose is for each in unique ways. And they receive support about the struggles and challenges of life here on earth from a Godly perspective.The wisdom Psalms address the hardships, suffering, and battles of life. Have you experienced the bitter pain of loss, abandonment, or betrayal? You will find heartfelt, soulful songs of people who came before you.Nothing is truly new when it comes to life.Evil still exists.People continue to ask what the meaning of life is. It is simply expressed in different ways through the filter of time. The world still consists of people and rulers who defy God.People in power desire to stay in power.Sadly, for the unredeemed, they are willing to do whatever it takes to carry out their end game.

The Psalms point to the fact that it is Christ, the King of kings, Who is LORD over all the world and people.The Father gave to His Son an inheritance of every nation (Psalm 2:8). Redeemed people have an inheritance also.Eternal life with Jesus, a Helper for daily life, a familiar fellowship wherever they go, and the Word to guide them. A Psalm a day keeps the heart, mind, body and soul in good health.

Shields of Strength has taken the life themes of the Psalms and put action into the topics of life. They are in the ministry and business of supporting, encouraging, and reminding everyone about the LORD. This talented group of redeemed souls are businesspeople, designers, encouragers, and artists, inspiring others as they serve. All their designs reflect Christ’s Love, Light and Truth.

Engraved with various Psalms to choose from, and organized into categories for easy shopping. You will find cross necklaces for menwomen,boys and girls, pendantsbraceletsearringsdog tagsT-shirtssweatshirtskeychains, and rings. All made from the finest precious metals, 14k goldrose goldstainless steel, and antique finishes. Their line of Swarovski crystals adds artistic impressions for any occasion. Shields of Strength includes a Fitness & Sports category. There is a wide selection of weight platesdumbbellskettle bellscross necklaces for men and women. The sports category is all inclusive with many uniquely crafted jewelry accessories. The fitness category includes weight plates, dumbbells, kettle bells, cross necklaces for men and women. The Sports category has meaningful, modern crafted sports jewelry, cross pendants on matching chains combinations for men and women athletes. Unique designs are available for basketballsoftballbaseball, football, golfsoccervolleyballtrack & fieldfishing & huntingcheer & gymnasticsband, and track & field.  Choose your favorite Psalm:

18:2; 18:3423:4; 25:4; 25:4-5; 27:3; 28:732:7; 34:7; 34:18 45:11; 46:1; 46:1051:10; 56:3; 56:3-4 62:1-2; 66:1-2; 66:1-2991:1; 91:1-2; 91:9;91:11;94:19101:1; 107:29; 115:16; 118:1; 119:1127:3139:9-10; 139:14; 139:17-18