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If their Response is Absolute Outrage, Pride and Dismissal

If their Response is Absolute Outrage, Pride and Dismissal

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 22nd Jul 2022

If their Response is Absolute Outrage, Pride and Dismissal

Not only do you know they are not standing on the truth. You know that they know they are not standing on the truth.

Because no matter how much we disagree on something--no matter how shocked I may be at what you believe, that’s no reason for me to be outraged.

If I am seeking the truth, I will just ask you to help me understand why and I am willing to talk about it. Because, if the truth is you are right but if I am not going to change my mind and no amount of truth is going to change my mind, and I already know I am not standing on the truth and you disagree with me, my only remaining response is to be absolutely outraged, filled with pride and totally dismissive of anything you think or say. Like nothing you have to say or think is even worthy of my time or consideration. That’s how foolish it is.

That’s what fear does.

Love doesn’t do that. Love seeks the truth and is willing to change if it’s wrong.

Think about it!

John 8:32

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Trust God’s Word no matter what.

Keep your eyes on the horizon.

If this doesn’t make sense, read my book,“The Right Fight: How To Live a Loving Life.” It’s all in there.I spent seven years writing it. It will help you set your life on a path of fruitfulness and show you how to live a loving and courageous life instead of a life driven by fear. Order the book on Amazon and at .

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