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Always - All The Days

Always - All The Days

Posted by Linda Presley on 15th Apr 2024

“I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:20b

Why is Christ’s Resurrection important? The resurrection was God’s message to the world that Jesus is His Son. Christ Jesus’ resurrection was His triumph over death. His resurrection was life changing for the entire world.

Christ's sacrifice strengthened his followers then and now in their hope and faith. He is Who He said he is – The Son of God the Father.

To validate His resurrection, Jesus appeared to hundreds of people. First to the few then to the many. The first few were Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. As they peered into the empty tomb, Christ's ministering angel announced that Jesus was not there.

Jesus Himself, moments later, appeared to the women as they rushed to tell the disciples the good news. Jesus, knowing where the women were going, told them to tell the disciples to meet Him in Galilee.

The Book of Matthew records that the women left quickly to tell the disciples of what they witnessed. At the same time, the guards had entered the city to report to the chief priests about what had happened (v11).

Imagine the women and the guards all rushing towards the city. Perhaps even passing one another along the way.

The chief priests bribed the guards to spread a false story among the citizenry that Christ was not resurrected by God. The disciples themselves had stolen Jesus’ body. Shamefully the guards agreed to spread the false account (v14).

Many lies followed Jesus to the tomb. And those lies continued forward after His resurrection. The lies multiplied and ripple through time to this present day.

What does the Resurrection say about the LORD’S Sovereignty?

The LORD is working all out according to His will. None of what took place before, during or after the crucifixion was out of Christ’s control or foreknowledge. He is All-knowing.

The LORD's sovereignty over life is lived out in the moment within the time constraints of the world. Keep in mind, Jesus was before time; and lives outside of time.

Christ's divine sovereign ability makes it possible for Him to watch over all the world and the people in it, both believing and unbelieving. And yet each person has the freedom to make choices .

Christ’s followers chose Him. The priests chose to reject Him. And the guards chose to take the bribe. All took place under His divine knowledge and nature (Book of John).

People cannot know, in the truest sense of the word, what will happen once they make a choice. No one can see beyond their choices. Jesus left His Word to reveal a portion of what will happen once we choose Him. When we choose Him, we choose Heaven and all its glories.

The Gospels note the significance of personal choice in Acts 17:31:

Because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world

in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed,

having furnished proof to all men [people] by raising Him from the dead.

Jesus provided proof of His resurrection. Choose Him, follow Him and trust in Him.

The LORD is omniscient – He knows all things and all possibilities (Romans 8:29). Christ Jesus did not, does not worry about what will happen. He continues in obedience to the divine plan.

His resurrection offers salvation to those who choose to follow Him, inviting them to eternal Heaven.

What is The Great Commission?

Christ bases all His decisions on His foreknowledge. He knows everything at once!

He knew what the guards would do. What both Mary's would do. And what the priests would do.

He knew what would happen before the foundations of the world were created. All is a part of his sovereign plant.

He consecrated his earthly mission in obedience. He trained His disciples, instructed them, and then delivered what is called the Great Commission (Matt: 28:16-20).

Christ Jesus kept His promise and met with His eleven disciples in Galilee. He gave them His divine commission:

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go Therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,Matthew 20:18a

Christ assured the disciples that He would be present with them always... all the days.

The disciples did as Jesus instructed. They went to all the nations and baptized those who accepted Jesus as Lord.

Important to the fundamentals of His great commission is the topic of baptism. It is not Christ + anything or anyone else.

At the moment of accepting Jesus each person receives the indwelling Holy Spirit. It is He that begins sanctification within the individual (sanctification: the act of God's grace by which the affections of men are purified, or alienated from sin and the world, and exalted to a supreme love to God; also, the state of being thus purified or sanctified.).

Baptism does not save souls; accepting Christ as Savior saves the soul. Resist false teachings. The church body in Colossi experienced the threat of false teachers. 2:16-23).

False teachers were infiltrating the church with a Christ-plus message. People were being moved from a Christ-centered focus to legalism, mysticism, and asceticism.

Baptism is a public witness before others of an individual’s decision to follow Christ Jesus and His commandments.

Trials and Sorrows

His sovereign plan includes His own sorrows for the unsaved and corrupted world. The LORD’S sovereign plan also includes the believer’s life trials.

Christ’s disciples also sorrowed over the condition of those who reject Jesus and His Word (Romans 9:1-5).

Those who follow Jesus are never alone in life. They are never alone in their trials.

Jesus is always present in good times and times of trouble. He knows what His people face here on earth. He helps and stays ever present so that all fears are reduced, and all happiness, peace and joy increase even in the face of personal trials.

Symbols of Faith

Shields of Strength, a family owned company based in Texas had a calling to serve others. They desired to honor Jesus and aid other Christians in keeping a Christ-centered focus.

They took their individual talents, gifts and love of Christ to a spiritual and tangible level. They created Christian jewelry to encourage others.

Their exquisite jewelry designs allow believers to express their faith outwardly and also remind themselves and others of Christ’s Truths. Their modern and traditional cross necklaces andpetite charm bracelets can be tools for evangelism.

These are just a few of the many men and women’s necklaces to purchase for yourself and others. They are a constant reminder of Christ’s comfort and closeness to His own.

Frequently Asked Questions

Talking to Jesus, praying, reading the Bible, and following His commands all involve seeking to understand Him better. Serving God and others and representing Jesus as an ambassador also requires asking questions and relying on Him.

Pause and pray and patiently wait. Shields of Strength is available to support you where you are in your walk with the Lord (Phone: 800-326-7882).

Here are a few questions to consider as you meditate on His Word:

  1. How does the resurrection of Jesus affirm your faith in His divinity?
  2. How does the conspiracy of the chief priests affect your understanding of truth and deceit?
  3. How does Jesus' appearance to the women enhance your understanding of His post-resurrection encounters?
  4. How does the phrase "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" offer comfort and encouragement in your faith journey?
  5. How can you respond to misinformation or false narratives about Jesus in today's context?
  6. How does the resurrection event affect your understanding of life, death, and eternity?