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How do we tell a difference from a sign of God and our own thoughts?

How do we tell a difference from a sign of God and our own thoughts?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

Maybe the biggest struggles we face is the struggle to know what is God and what is our own feelings. If we are asking that question though, I believe we are in a good place, because many times we don't have to ask. We know what is right and just don't want to do it. When we are unsure, we should wait and pray until we are confident in the next move we should make. We can know God won't lead us with fear, He doesn't want us to follow signs, and while we wait we should make sure we are giving Him our very best where we are now. If we are faithful with the little things, listen and pray, He will lead us to places to be faithful with bigger things. Don't let fear lead you to move or to stay. Pray and wait until you know that you know. God is not in a hurry.