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How to fight for love

How to fight for love

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 19th Aug 2019

Fighting for love is the fight to be kind, patient, truthful (honest even when it hurts), protective of others, trust, hope, and persevere for the sake of others. If we love someone who is not loving us and should be, then we should first ask why and be willing to listen. It may be that we are making it very difficult for them to love us. Then after listening....if we believe the other person is being selfish, love requires we tell them for their own sake as kindly as we can. It’s not loving to demand someone love us, and it’s not loving to pretend it’s okay for them not to love people. “The Right Fight” is 176 pages on this subject. If I had two hours with you and it was the last two hours of my life, it’s what I would tell you.