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How to handle rejection

How to handle rejection

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 3rd Sep 2019

I think rejection is rooted in fear which is rooted in “me.” I still feel it often, but every time I dig deeper, I find myself conflicted between the “me” in me wanting what it wants, while at the same time desiring what is right and what God wants. I know God's way is best for me, yet I still want what I want. I have learned if something is not good for everyone, it's not good for anyone. The most miraculous thing about love is that it's the only thing that is always best for everyone. Just because something hurts or cost us something does not mean it's not best for us. I'm still working this all out myself, but chew on it. I hate the feeling of rejection, but I I hating what I should embrace? Seems more like foolishness. I’m open to everyone's thoughts.