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How to improve your confidence

How to improve your confidence

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Sep 2019

The only time we should have confidence in what we are doing is when we have extensive experience in what we are doing, and when we know we are in line with God’s Word. Lacking confidence is not always a bad thing. Often times, it’s a good thing. It’s an indication we need to learn more. In my own life, even in the few areas I have a lot of confidence, I have learned to play dumb. Not to fool anyone, but only so I can learn from them. Sometimes the people who know nothing about the thing you know everything about can reveal a truth you skipped over. It’s not about us. It’s about excellence and all we have for God and others. I recently saw a post from a Super Bowl Champion that said something like this...if I don’t know, I ask....if I think I know, I ask.....and if I know I know, I ask. That, my friends is the formula for greatness. Matthew 19:30,”But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.”