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How to know if someone loves you

How to know if someone loves you

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 3rd Sep 2019

If someone loves you, they will only do what is truly best for you with no regard for themselves and expecting nothing in return. Of course none of us are perfectly loving, but if they mess up they won’t defend their mess up, make excuses, or blame it on someone else. They will own it and repent. If they believe you’re missing the truth, they will tell you and do anything they can to help you change. They won’t support anything you want. They will only support what they believe is best for you. If you’re on the side of the truth, they will stand with you at all cost. They won’t support you doing whatever feels good to you, but only what is good for you. If you get hurt they are less concerned with the hurt, and more concerned with helping you get well. If someone betrays you, they are not interested in rehashing it with you over and over. They are interested in helping you seek the truth, forgive, and move forward. If you want to gossip, they suddenly have a lot less to say. If someone loves you, they want you to live a loving life because they know it’s best for you, not so they can be loved. They will love you whether you love them or not. Love doesn’t expect anything from you, but nothing gives it more joy than to be loved in return. More than we desire to be loved, we should desire to love. Jesus is love. If we want to love, we must be attached to Him. John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:13”Greater love has no one then to lay down their life for their friend.”