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How to respond to hurt

How to respond to hurt

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 5th Sep 2019

I get hurt and you get hurt. Some of us get hurt far worse than others. Being hurt though says nothing about us. How we respond to hurt says much about us. Please realize, that people hurting you says nothing about you. Jesus told us to turn the other cheek not so we would be a victim, but so we could become victorious. A popular and far too often true statement is, “hurting people hurt people.” Sadly, this is often true because we allow hurt to keep us from living a loving life. We fight back and destroy what no one else has the power to touch....the roots of love in our own life. The answer is Jesus. It’s fighting to live a loving life. We can’t stop people from hurting us, but we can choose to love despite the hurt. When we love anyway, then the roots of love grow deeper in our life. When we fight for our rights, then we destroy the roots of love in our own lives. So it’s love that is the foundation of our lives, and we must know what it is, or we are destined to be fruitless. This is the whole reason I wrote “The Right Fight.” Because getting in the fight to live a loving life has saved my own life. It’s the roots of everything I have to offer. I hope you will read it. It’s how I learned to live a loving life. John 15:13,”Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”