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If i had one hour with you and it was the last hour of my life this is what i would say....

If i had one hour with you and it was the last hour of my life this is what i would say....

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

Nothing has transformed my life, lightened my burdens, and strengthened me when facing fear like the truths I share in “The Right Fight!” It has made me a better father, son, husband, brother, businessman, athlete, friend, and neighbor. It’s the one thing that determines everything. It’s not my ideas. It’s truth -and all I’m trying to do is shed light on truths worth digging for. If you read it, please let me know your thoughts- Good or bad. I want truth at all cost. Even if it hurts. The book is available at where all hard back copies are signed. It’s also available on Amazon and at Barns and Noble.