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Perfectly Imperfect

Posted by Blake Bradley on 15th Sep 2015

We are all made in God's image. Perfectly crafted and molded with precision detail. No two of us are exactly alike andgods sunrise

We are all made in God's image. Perfectly crafted and molded with precision detail. No two of us are exactly alike and even identical twins have differences.  

So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.

Genesis 1:27  

We are ALL already perfect in God's eyes. A Masterpiece actually!

We all have our own unique DNA which is derived from a combination of our mother and father. (Half of each) DNA is so complex and combines billions of molecules. Every time you combine them when a new child is born an original pattern is created! God's design is individual to each and every person. We are customized! He loves us that much! 

So then comes Societies view of perfection since it knows better than God right? Let's hear what it says we should be like:

*Oh you must be thin!

*Your hair should be perfect

*Skin blemish free

*body parts must be small in certain areas and bigger in others

*any imperfections should be dealt with through surgery.  

The need for perfection in life and the desire for inner peace conflict with one another. What does that tell us? The search for perfection can only lead to a distraction from God's love. What is perfection? Only one person on earth has ever been perfect and His name was Jesus. We should strive to be the best that we can be of course but the search for the perfect anything is an unhealthy trap. A trap rooted in a cycle of "never good enough."    

Who has set these rules as to what is beautiful and why in the world are we listening to it? The human body is a masterpiece by God's hand. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do everything in our power to preserve our temple such as: eating right and exercising but unhealthy self images are destructive. 

When my daughter was eight years old, she struggled with being one of the tallest girls in her class. As she began noticing herself compared to the other kids in her class, her shoulders starting slumping and she even changed the way she walked to appear shorter. I then had an idea and called our area head basketball coach from our local college. I explained the situation and created a plan. We surprised my daughter with a face-to-face meeting with two of the tallest most confident and beautiful college girl basketball players you have ever seen. One was from Kansas (5'11 tall) and the other girl was from Spain (6'0 tall) . This meeting was a great turning point in her view of her self image along with teaching her that she was beautifully and wonderfully made by God. 


                                                      you are fearfully and wonderfully made

My daughter is now a healthy and happy 14 year old athlete and musician enjoying her first year of high school. She is now far from the tallest girl in her class as she is now stuck at 5'8 while several of her friends in athletics have passed her up. She now talks about trying to get an extra inch or two more out of her frame before this years basketball season. haha. My, how things change....  

We must all remember that God does not create us with a cookie cutter. We are all beautiful, unique with our own skill sets and talents. I have never met anyone in my life who wasn't talented in some way. Embrace who you are! Praise God for it! Thank Him every time you look in the mirror with strength and determination to conquer another day. Lift up others around you and your heart will be filled with great joy!  

Please never let society or individuals determine your beauty or self worth. You are a work of art! 

Please take a moment to look at a few of our Shields of Strength jewelry pieces that reflect this positive image. 

i praise you for i am wonderfully madeStainless Steel Flower Pendant - This beautiful pendant displays the amazing verse from Psalm 139:14  (shown front and back)   just $49.99 

Heart with cross cutout - What better reminder can we have than the verse from 1 Corinthians 13:8 

                                                                             "Love Never Fails" 

heart with cross cutout necklace$39.99  (shown front and back) 


Please take a moment to visit our website at

We carry over 300 unique jewelry pieces, apparel, and accessories. Each Shields of Strength item is engraved with God's Word.  Your Shields of Strength products are physical reminders of God's love, hope, forgiveness, and power.

If we can assist you in any way, please always feel welcome to call us at 800-326-7882. We appreciate your support so much.  Please share your beautiful smile with everyone you meet. You are a masterpiece! 


Blake Bradley and the Shields of Strength Team 

Follow us: @shieldsofstrength - IG and Facebook  

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