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Shields of Strength Rock The Arnold Sports Festival 2015

Shields of Strength Rock The Arnold Sports Festival 2015

Posted by Blake Bradley on 22nd Feb 2015

Shields of Strength at the Big Show!!

On March 6th-8th, Shields of Strength will be making its second appearance at the Arnold Swartzenneger Sports Festival in Ohio. Over 150,000 people are planned to attend this fitness show throughout the weekend.

We would like to invite everyone to stop by our booth to say hello. We are excited to share our new designs and our time tested bestsellers! We will be at: Booth #1917, same location as last year. As you enter the expo room, turn left and we will be on the first isle on the left side of the room.

We will be bringing all of our newest Shields of Strength to this show; to include, the new Gold line, full sized weight belt, combo fitness necklaces, and we will have the capability to custom make chain lengths, and combination necklaces. So for all anyone with a large neck, we can custom make chains to fit you.

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We will also have a special guest appearance at our booth from our friend,

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Andy Haman. aka: Sergeant Strength. Come take a picture with Sergeant Strength.

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Andy Haman

"My Shields of Strength reminds me of the positive power of Gods word and the gift

we have to celebrate everyday through our faith" ....Andy Haman

During our 2014 debut, Several Pros Athletes, Fitness Industry Professionals, and lifelong fitness enthusiasts, asked, "what took you guys so long to get here, this industry needs to hear Gods word".

We are honored and humbled to be a part of such an incredble event. Our booth will be much larger this year and we are looking forward to meeting everyone.

We always have a blast!

Arnold Sports Festival - Booth 1917 March 6-8 Columbus Ohio.

For our valued customers, we send email notifications about special promotions and new items. When you sign up for our mailing list, you receive a 10% OFF coupon. To receive your 10% OFF coupon, simply click the Coupon tab at  Join us on Instagram and Facebook @shieldsofstrength, we have a lot of fun.  

If you would like to suggest a Blog Topic, please email us at or call us at 800-326-7882. Thank you for your loyalty, encouragement, and support.  Stay strong in Christ!

Blake Bradley and The Shields of Strength Team

P.S.  Scripture that inspire me: Colossians 3:2-3, II Timothy 4:18, John 5:24