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How it feels to be loved

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Aug 2019

Every time I record a video I ask for @tammieavaughan input because I know she will tell me the truth. Still every time she says “not sure about that one” I feel rejected. Lol. Lord help me and thank … read more
What is the motor that powers a strong life?

What is the motor that powers a strong life?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Aug 2019

When we come to understand the truth of what love really is, and how Jesus loves us despite ourself and our sin, and we love Him for loving us, then everything changes. We don’t love Jesus so He will … read more
What is your greatest opportunity?

What is your greatest opportunity?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Aug 2019

I wonder if loving someone who is loving us is even love at all. Maybe it’s just an even exchange. Doesn’t cost anyone anything. The most loved I have ever felt by @tammieavaughan are the times she ha … read more
The difference between a good and and and bad person

The difference between a good and and and bad person

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Aug 2019

If we believe we are better than other people we may be in the most danger. Fear’s trap is to lead us to believe we are less valuable than others so we will then strive to be more valuable than others … read more
How to process offense

How to process offense

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Aug 2019

Offense is a trap! It’s a trap that wants to lead us to a fear led life. When we feel offended, it should lead us to first look within ourself and then seek the truth. If we are easily offended then w … read more