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One thing that helps me when all the wheels come off

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 30th Jan 2020

We should always be so careful what we allow into our minds and heart but never is it more important than when all the wheels are coming off. At Shields of Strength we are taking a stand that potentia … read more

What is the measure of a man?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 30th Jan 2020

The measure of a man is found in “why” he does what he does. Same with women. I wrote about this extensively in The Right Fight. Available on amazon and at 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 … read more
Giving to get isn’t giving it’s taking

Giving to get isn’t giving it’s taking

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Nov 2019

I talk about this extensively in “The Right Fight-How to Live a Loving Life.” If you haven’t read the book, please do. I personally struggle with this issue, because even when I check my own heart, I … read more
Have you read it?

Have you read it?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Nov 2019

If you have read “The Right Fight” and are willing to share a few sentences that may encourage someone else to read it please share them. We will pick a couple to put on the back cover of the book for … read more