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Is self care selfish?

Is self care selfish?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 14th Oct 2019

If we risk our life to rescue someone so we can be a hero, it’s selfish. If we risk our life so someone else may live, it’s love. If we demand our children respect us so we can be respected, it’s self … read more
What is the difference between being grateful and thankful?

What is the difference between being grateful and thankful?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 14th Oct 2019

Thankfulness is the fruit of gratefulness. No one owes us anything! If we buy the lie people or God owes us something, we plant and nurture the seed of our own destruction. Luke 17:15-19”One of them, … read more
How to love selfish people

How to love selfish people

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 14th Oct 2019

We shouldn’t be in the business of policing everyone else’s decisions. The Bible tells us to get the log out of our own eye before we try to help someone remove the splinter from their eye. That said, … read more
Is Pride A Good Thing?

Is Pride A Good Thing?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 14th Oct 2019

The reason pride comes before a fall is because pride blinds us. When we are blinded, we stumble over things humility would have easily seen and avoided. Only a moment of pride cost me a second Nation … read more
What is a Father?

What is a Father?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 14th Oct 2019

God is our model Father, and a Father to the fatherless and the fathered. The best father this world has ever known is not perfect. All fathers make mistakes, but no loving father wants to make a mist … read more