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Does one bad apple spoil the whole bunch?

Does one bad apple spoil the whole bunch?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Sep 2019

The only way one bad apple spoils the batch is if we are too afraid to deal with the bad apple. If we love the bad apple, then love will force us to challenge it to change. Making a rule to protect us … read more
The difference between a good and and and bad person

The difference between a good and and and bad person

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Aug 2019

If we believe we are better than other people we may be in the most danger. Fear’s trap is to lead us to believe we are less valuable than others so we will then strive to be more valuable than others … read more
Are feelings good or bad?

Are feelings good or bad?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 19th Aug 2019

Feelings are real and they are for a reason. They are also valid, but more than anything they are misleading. Sometimes our feelings lead us to the truth, but more often than not, if we follow them we … read more