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What to do if you love someone who doesn’t love you

What to do if you love someone who doesn’t love you

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 5th Sep 2019

Loving someone who won’t love us is always painful. Actually, anyone not loving us is painful. We can pretend we don’t care, but that is just a fearful response to the fact we do care. Whatever you do, don’t harden your heart. That’s the trap of hurt. Loving heals us from hurt. When we harden our own hearts, we prevent healing and live a life trapped by the hurt we are trying to avoid. If someone not loving you hurts then thank God. It means you’re whole and you’re what God made you to be. Have the courage to be okay with being hurt, and the will to fight to keep living a loving life despite being hurt. The source of your courage is Jesus, and coming to understand His love for you. He showed us how to love when we are not loved. Luke 23:34,”And Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”