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What to do when the person you loved no longer loves you.

What to do when the person you loved no longer loves you.

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Sep 2019

It is the greatest feeling ever to be loved, and the worst ever to not be loved. But loved or not loved, we still have a responsibility to love. Being loved is great, but it says nothing about us. Whether or not we love says much about us. It’s hard to keep living a loving life when we get hurt, but we must. The whole word can love us, but if we don’t love, it’s all for nothing. Or if no one loves us and we still love, then love rules our life and fruitfulness is our destiny. No one ever said love won’t cost us anything. Truthfully, I wonder if love even exist until a price has to be paid. Love will cost us something, but never more than not loving will cost us. “The Right Fight” How to Live a loving everything I want to tell anyone in this situation. If you have not read it please do. 1 John 4:16,”And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”