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What To Do When You're Angry

What To Do When You're Angry

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 9th Oct 2018

Anger and all sin are most often our enemy. I do believe there is a righteous anger, but it’s rare. Righteous anger is anger for the damage sin causes, or an anger for someone using love to hurt people....using Jesus to manipulate people. That’s why Jesus threw the tables. Most of the time though, anger is our enemy and not our friend. Rebellion and riots are a trap. Before we get stuck on anger, we must follow one truth to the next truth to the next truth. Truth leads to more truth. If it leads to a dead end, it’s probably not truth and surely not worth acting on. Love is not complicated. It’s very simple if we are willing to seek it, we will find it sticks out like a sore thumb. Most of all, we must be willing to examine ourself. If we are the plaintiff we are led by fear, if we are the defendant we are led by fear. Only when we sit on the jury of our own life will we find boldness and peace. John 8:32, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”