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You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

Posted by Grace Dodd on 13th Feb 2015


     Shields of Strength supports Feeding Tube Awareness Week and those who suffer with gastrointestinal disorders. Our lives have been touched by a very special “Tubie” named Grace Dodd. Grace has battled Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a rare autonomic disorder, and Gastroparesis, for 4 long years. Her faith in Jesus Christ sustains her and Grace’s faith inspires The Shields of Strength Team. Grace’s recent Facebook post is a window into her soul. Enjoy the view and be encouraged.

     This week is feeding tube awareness week. My feeding tube completely sustained me for over a year and still provides nutritional support for me to this day. As I was surrounded by God's creation on my walk today, I was overwhelmed thinking about all He has done for me: The me who messes up daily, the me who is still frequently fearful & overwhelmed about the future, the me who worries over everything, and the me who doesn't always get it right.

     But through it all, God has be en faithful through the unknown, the surgeries, my fears, the nights of crying & asking why, the loneliness, the pain, the frustration, and the hopelessness. As I was surrounded by His beauty, it made me want to yell at the top of my lungs thinking about all He has done for me and sustained me through. He knew getting a feeding tube was the very best thing for me from the day I was born all the way to when it was my worst fear.

     And He knows how to meet you in your darkest place. This week my prayer is for those beaten down, fearful, and those who feel like their drowning amidst the unknown and suffering. You are not alone. God will carry the burdens that are too heavy.

     "You brought me rest in times of struggle. I lay my head down at Your feet. The storm in me that I can’t wrestle is calmed when I hear You speak. Be still and know that You are my God. Be still and know that You are enough. Though my heart is racing, still You’re in control. Be still and know that You are my God."

you are not alone