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A Gospel Driven Life

A Gospel Driven Life

Posted by Linda Presley on 1st May 2024

Kenny Vaughan, author, and founder of Shields of Strength experienced what is sometimes noted as an “aha” moment, a transformative moment in his journey with Christ. This Spirit led turning point transformed him from fear to conqueror.

He put fear behind him. And put action in Christ’s Words.

Kenny and his family joined together to tell their story in a unique way. They created distinctive specialized jewelry. Not just any kind of jewelry. But men’s and women’s Christian jewelry.

Today, their faith inspired Christian jewelry can be found on Internet E-commerce sites, and popular brick and mortar stores, including their own in Beaumont, TX

Etched upon each cross jewelry pendant is a Bible verse that tracks their lives; their personal journey with Jesus, and the fundamentals of the LORD’s Truths.

What they could not know at the time was how their life story and struggles would resonate to others.

They were deliberate and prayerful when it came to choosing the bible verses for their jewelry. The Holy Spirit met the Vaughan’s where they were at in their lives. He took them as they were and began the divine process of making them more like Jesus.

Their willingness to follow Jesus in obedience began with simply saying, “Yes”. They put away the fear, anger, and doubt and stepped out in faith.

The Vaughan family were already children of God, redeemed and justified by Jesus. They exhibited the “fruits,” a.k.a. gifts of the Holy Spirit as He sanctified them each. They were kind, generous and Christ centered individuals.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23

The indwelling Holy Spirit was at work sanctifying their walk with Jesus. They were becoming increasingly like their Lord in thought and deed. Sanctification is an ongoing experience for all redeemed.

What is sanctification? The translation from the Greek is haglazõ, meaning to make holy – hallow, be holy, sanctify (GRK 37).

At the moment an individual accepts Jesus as LORD, they have a divine position with Him (Titus 3:5). There is an exchange of His righteousness for the person’s sins. The theological term that describes righteousness in Christ is imputation. A banking/accounting term that means to credit a person.

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us,

that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV

Not only is it a position, but also a process, a process defined by faith and commitment. Christ’s unique plan for the Vaughan family was unfolding as the work of the Holy Spirit was changing how they thought and how they would live their lives before Him.

The Apostle John - Who was he?

John, and another, who would both become disciples of Jesus, were the first of whom Jesus called to be witnesses of His ministry. The most important aspect of their witness was Christ's ultimate agony upon the cross and ascension into Heaven.

John the apostle, a.k.a. Beloved Apostle of Jesus or “whom Jesus loved,” is accredited as the author of this divinely inspired gospel (John 13:23;19:26; 20:2; 21:7; 7:20).

Like many of the LORD’s redeemed, the apostle John unexpectedly met Jesus. John lovingly records his initial meetings with Jesus in the Book of John, adding to its authenticity (John 1:35-39).

What took place over a matter of days was the making of Christ's twelve disciples. They were just everyday men from several varying backgrounds, fishermen, a tax collector, a tentmaker. These were regular professions for the era and location where they lived (A.D. 80-90; Northern Israel). In the LORD’s hands He created great men of the Word.

What is the meaning of the Book of John?

John’s divinely inspired writings focuses upon the great Truths and miracles that marked Christ’s ministry on earth. John emphasizes eleven specific signs and miracles. John also detailed the aspects of evangelism and apologetics* (*a defense for Christian faith; unwavering commitment to Truth).

In reading the Book of John, the reader immediately notices John’s dedication to Jesus. Do not think that John’s everyday language was simplistic in meaning. His words were Spirit led and profound.

Take for example a few of the words he recorded from Christ’s teachings. Then set your mind upon them…My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me.John 7:16 NAS.

John structured his writings from his eyewitness accounts of Christ’s ministry (John 1:14; 19:35, 21:24). He noted the deity of Christ, which is the main theme of the gospel.

John also noted Christ’s humanity. Jesus was both fully divine and fully human. He performed miracles and experienced the physical limitations of flesh.

Christ also experienced emotions; He grew weary from His labor (John 4:6). He also concerned Himself with the lives of others (Ch. 3). He felt sorrow, love,fear, the whole range of human feelings.

What are the main themes of The Book of John?

The basic themes of the Book of John are as follows:

  • Jesus as the Son of God
  • Christ’s Public Ministry
  • Private Ministry
  • Suffering and Death
  • Resurrection and Victory

What is the purpose of John’s gospel today?

As the purpose was then to the audience John wrote to, the purpose is the same today.

  • Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God
  • The Bible is the Word of the LORD, Truth divinely inspired
  • The believers’ personal integrity is linked to God’s Truth, aligned, and sealed in Him
  • The LORD’S Truth protects the believer from evil’s deception
  • Christ’s Truth is never outdated. No updating is necessary. His truth is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It is all encompassing

Christ's Truths give His own the power of faith and the strength to continually move forward with Him.

The cross left its mark upon the body of Jesus and the hearts and minds of His own.

But of Him you are in Christ Jesus,

who became for us wisdom from God – and righteousness and sanctification and redemption -

1 Corinthians 1:30

Putting Action into Bible Truths

The Vaughan team at Shields of Strength put action into biblical Truths. They prayerfully consider the themes of their lives and faithfully in His strength and direction create tangible symbols of faith, strength and love for Christians.

They developed more than forty Christ-focused products etched with Bible verses from the Book of John. Their collection also includes cross necklaces for men and women. They utilized precious metals and gems. Just a few you can choose from are stainless steel, gold, silver, and crystals.

Their Christian jewelry line includes numerous types of necklaces, military dog tags, folded U.S. flag necklaces, “memory” dog tag necklaces, highly polished or Antique finishes, combination jewelry sets, bracelets, traditional and modern cross necklaces, earrings, rings and clothing apparel. Why?

They wanted to testify of the LORD and share their lives with others. They desired to evangelize, support and inspire the faith-based community around the world.

Most importantly, they wanted to honor the LORD with the talents and gifts He blessed them with from His great love. Faithful, their Christ-centered souls live out the meaning of the Book of John in their lives.

Shields of Strength Book of John Scriptures

  • John 1:4, "In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
  • John 1:16,"From His fulness, we have all received grace upon grace."
  • John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,
  • that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
  • John 3:30, "He must become greater, and I must become less."
  • John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
  • John 15:13,“Greater love has no one than this, that
  • one lay down one's life for one's friends.”

Are you broken over the sin within your soul? Come to Jesus. At Shields of Strength their are faith-centered people available to take your call (800) 326-7882