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Does one bad apple spoil the whole bunch?

Does one bad apple spoil the whole bunch?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Sep 2019

The only way one bad apple spoils the batch is if we are too afraid to deal with the bad apple. If we love the bad apple, then love will force us to challenge it to change. Making a rule to protect us from what someone did to hurt us results in us treating everyone like they will do the same. It’s a decision to sacrifice everyone else so we won’t get hurt. Fear always looks out for itself without regard for others, and in the process destroys itself. Love looks out for others without regard for itself, and in the process finds itself fruitful. Love is willing to be the sacrifice. Love says despite being hurt by someone else’s bad decision, I will continue to love. Love doesn’t love to be loved. It loves whether it’s loved or not. In Chapter 13 of “The Right Fight” I discuss this in detail. Leviticus 19:18, “Forget about the wrong things people do to you. Don’t try to get even. Love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”