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Don’t Be Deceived by the Psychologists About Love!

Don’t Be Deceived by the Psychologists About Love!

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Apr 2023

Have you ever heard of the word, altruism? Altruism is a word psychologists use in place of the word love. Why would they not use the word love? Because they either have no idea what love is or because they don’t want you to know what love is. I would suggest to you that they don’t want you to know what love is because their definition of the word altruism is the perfect definition of love. The reason that they don’t want you to know what love really is: is because they can’t teach you self-love if you know what love is. They know that self-love is not altruistic. It’s not love, in other words, because altruism by their definition is selflessness. Altruism, by their definition, is all true. Its motives are pure, through and through. That’s what love is. Let me tell you how I first heard about the word. I had attempted to talk and still do attempt to talk to hundreds of psychologists about love. Most of them will not agree to talk to me unless I pay for their time. I am willing to pay any of them to get them to talk to me. I was talking to one of them who wasn’t expecting me to pay him, who is a Christian and I was asking him to help me understand why psychologists teach self-love. We kept going back and forth because every example he gave me, I would explain to him why self-love wasn’t love and he would agree. And so, he said, well maybe our definition of love is not the same. So, I said, can you please define love for me? He couldn’t do it. So, I defined love for him and he said, that’s not love, that’s altruism. I said, well that’s our problem. You know that altruism is not self-love, but you still teach self-love. Why do you do it? He said because no one can truly be altruistic, meaning no one can truly be selfless. I said, well maybe you are right, but that’s still our goal. Our goal is to live a loving life. And if you teach self-love, you prevent people from living a loving life. So, altruism is a word which psychologists use to hide from you the one thing that can save your life--not just now, but forever. His name is Jesus and I often refer to Him as love, because He says He is love. To every loving psychologist that won’t teach self-love: you are my heroes! A psychologist who teaches true love is practicing altruism. They are selfless and loving. They know if you ever come to really know love, that you may not need them anymore. They are doing what is truly best for you with no regard for themselves. 1 John 3:18. "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." Trust God’s Word no matter what. Keep your eyes on the horizon. NEW: Check out my podcast now airing on Google, Spotify and Apple podcast platforms under the name "The Right Fight.”