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​How Do You Put Something in God’s Hands?

​How Do You Put Something in God’s Hands?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 15th Aug 2020

The way I used to think I was putting something in God’s hands, was by coming to a point that I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t know what to do anymore. I would give up and say, Lord I am just going to leave it in your hands…whatever happens, happens.

But that’s putting it in the hands of chance.

If you are going to put something in God’s hands, this is how you do it. You know what God’s Word says about the situation or circumstance you are facing. You choose to trust His Word more than you do your feelings, no matter how confident you are in your own feelings.

We always -- in our own ‘infinite wisdom’ -- think we know best. But, if our wisdom, our belief contradicts God’s Word, we must choose to trust God’s Word.

Because we make decisions all day long every day—thousands of them – then, if we make those decisions in accordance with God’s Word, we are living a loving life and only then are we putting things in God’s hands.

We put things in God’s hands when we do what he tells us to do. We take them out of God’s hands when we do what we think we should do, regardless of what His Word says.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve learned to trust God more than my feelings.

Trust God’s Word, no matter what.

Keep your eyes on the horizon.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Laus Deo,
