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Repentance doesn’t make you weak...It makes you strong

Repentance doesn’t make you weak...It makes you strong

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Sep 2019

It takes courage to repent, but it’s the best possible thing we can do for others if we sinned against them. It’s also the best thing to do for ourselves, because if we do not repent, it will destroy our lives. Be careful though about who you repent to. A great rule of thumb is to remember there is personal sin, private sin, and public sin. Personal sin is between ourself and God, and our repentance should be personal. We should repent to God, or to God and very trusted loved ones only. Private sin is where we sinned against another person and only we and they know about it. Then we should repent to them and to God. Public sin is sin everyone knows about, and in that case, we should repent to God and publicly repent as well. Repenting publicly for private or personal sin can be a mistake. Be careful how you repent, but don’t be hesitant to repent. Be quick to repent. It leads to a strong life! Luke 5:10,”In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”