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What is the meaning of Joshua 1:9 and who was Joshua of the Old Testament?

What is the meaning of Joshua 1:9 and who was Joshua of the Old Testament?

Posted by Linda Presley on 20th Feb 2024

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

The Commission

The Holy Scriptures take the reader from the moment of Mose’s death, from mourning, into the LORD’S purposed plans for Joshua’s succession duties (Deut. 34:9). In the Old Testament Book of Joshua, the LORD teaches that He keeps His promises. God’s work truly continues without interruption. Joshua steps into the place that Moses once stood. His path was prepared by God through Moses. Joshua was a superb general. He had become wise and courageous in His faith. He is given the same great promises and assurances God had given Moses. The trials he faced were purposeful from the LORD. He ultimately learned all that evil can bring. And he learned that the promises of God never fail. He learned the Truth of God’s words; Do not be afraid. Joshua took into his soul the Voice of the LORD, I will not fail nor forsake you. Be strong, be of good courage.

Courage without God is like a leaking balloon. It will eventually collapse. This is arrogance, not courage. Courage encompasses the mind and spirit which in Christ’s hands helps the individual to face their fears, dangers, all kinds of life challenges. Like Joshua you will face challenges. You can choose to face them with His strength, with calmness, assurance and then can put action into Christ’s plans.

Joshua meditated upon the LORD and the charge given to him (v8). He knew he was not above God’s Laws. Just as a battlefield General is today, under the command of a Combatant Commander, Joshua knew from Whom his commission was from, the LORD his God. Make Joshua’s example yours. Meditate on the LORD and His Word daily. Then begin to ask ... What frightens you? How do you deal with fear? What areas do you need to grow your faith in Christ Jesus?

Kenny Vaughn, founder of Shields of Strength, has authored a book that will add to your encouragement to be strong and of good courage.